PhysicsBodyMaker ain’t much ’til you ain’t got it, then it appears to be everything. -Paraphrased from Capt. Malcolm Reynolds.
So PBM is an exceedingly simple app that has only one (1) function. That function is to help you create a CGPath based SKPhysicsBody for your SpriteKit apps on both Mac and iOS.
If you will never use a CGPath based SKPhysicsBody then you probably will not find any use for this application and I would recommend you save your money.
However, the day you need to define a CGPath along say a mountain ridge that’s 4098 pixels long and very complex, this tool will be quite awesome indeed. So take a look at the screen shots, what you see there is for all intents and purposes all the app can do.
The app does have a Retina option which will divide all values by 2 making 2048 in to 1024. So if you’re using an @2x image that’s 2048X500 and you set the retina option then the lower left corner will be {0,0} and the upper right corner will be {1024,250}
Aside from that it does absolutely nothing fancy at all.
It currently only supports JPG and PNG files, you can of course request additional supported types by emailing support [at] fornextsoft [.] com.
Feel free to make feature requests for future releases.
To use, add a sprite. You can drag the sprite around to position it if its larger than the available screen area. You have to click on the image itself. Clicking an empty area within its rectangle will not work typically.
The default starting point is at the lower left corner. To begin making a path, simply click where you want the next point to be and the app will draw a line to that point and then close the path. Continue clicking at each point you want to include in the path and the path will be automatically created and updated.